50s Housewife Fantasy and the Manosphere

50s Housewife Fantasy and the Manosphere

It’d be great if one of a couple could stay home and raise the kids. Parents are always the best option for bonding, which does so much for children’s development over their lifetime and even helps their health.

But practically…. Most communities aren’t meant to support this. Things like even safety, let alone doing errands, getting groceries and all the kids’ activities mean you probably need 2 cars. Where you live determines how much rent you pay or how much your mortgage is. Which schools are available and how much they cost. Is there green space so the kids can play outside and is it safe to leave them unsupervised. How much do groceries cost and is there even a good family supply store in your neighbourhood?

But then there are costs to having a job: wardrobe, lunches, transport & parking, insurance….

It’d be cool if you could snap your fingers and have the life you want, or your faith tells you you should live. But life just isn’t that simple or that cheap either. Is it? You aren’t a millionaire.

Plus all the daily costs, you have to consider things like divorce, death or illness/injury of the bread winner. So you’d need pretty amazing insurance, savings and retirement portfolios. And the village it takes to support a single parent home (while they’re training and till they earn a steady, fair income). And frankly, most religions won’t support your family during these transitions.

So instead of listening to these unrealistic voices, maybe 1950s is something you can do in your playtime? For 90% of the people, it’s just not going to happen as a career option. Is it?

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