The ‘Likes’ of X/itter

The ‘Likes’ of X/itter

This may seem like gossip about the Elon-sphere…. But it’s also relevant to other social media.

  • How private is private?
  • And why DO you want to be private?


I know I often see people requesting to hide their activity.

  • It could be they don’t want their partner to see them salivating over some other person.
  • Or loving something that doesn’t fit their power role.
  • Or listed sexual or gender role.
  • Maybe they have a stalker?
  • Though some people might actually just want privacy.


But in the Elon-sphere? It’s usually cuzz they’re checking out the hate and fear mongers. They should prob say that with their full chest though. Or get another acct so they can?


What difference does not being able to see the likes make? It’s harder vetting people when you don’t know what they’re into. Isn’t it?


Does commenting ‘like’ help make the point that you’re not happy with the policy?
TBH no. In fact it does the opposite. It adds to the site’s active engagement count. Even if it’s to say that you hate the EM so much! Srsly, do you think he’s a. told b. cares if he’s told? I’m sure he has pretty thick skin by now.


At this point, considering the stupid stuff he’s pulled since taking over the site, I’m under the impression that he’s deliberately trying to tank it. There are countries and people groups that have blocked X/itter now. Esp since the porn bots love and comment to spread their boobs all over the site. It makes you wonder how many sex workers have been shadow/banned for posts where they’re not even nude. Only to see nudity as now part of the site’s design. Or doesn’t Elon like the competition? He doesn’t like it when other SM sites have accts on X/itter, does he?


Well, that’s all I can think to say after day 2 of this. Except I’m not a fan. It takes longer to vet people to see if I want to follow them. And the more credible people are being encouraged to leave the site. I’m thinking…. Though I’m not sure I want to leave an int’l site to the dark side. Or leave my fellow resistors behind.

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